About us

What's the IDEA ??
Using Science & Tech to upcycle rejected Vegetables & Fruits into edible value added products. Thereby improving farmer income & also retaining nutrition by creating healthier food alternatives.

Solar Dried - Malt- Mix-Jam -Pickle

Make products from solar drying or tradtionally processing Vegetables or Fruits- eg. Brinjals, Ladiesfingers, Amla, Carrots, Beetroot etc

Fair Price, More Value-Reduced Waste

Farmers earn additional income when source discarded food is procured for value addition & sold to right customer. Converting Waste to wealth for our Health.

Why does food goes unused?

  • Size, Shape & Colour
    Too small or big. Irregular shape & sub standard colour or Looks!
  • Cut or Damaged
    During Harvest, Supply Chain & Transport
  • Mature or Over ripen
    Perishable, Not edible or Low Preference
  • Surplus & Lack of Storage
    Over production for the season or No Buyers

Our Products

Carrot Malt
Ladiesfinger Vathal
Beetroot Malt
Chilly Powder
Banana Powder
We will keep ideating & will introduce more products!


Experience in Farming, Warehouse Operations & Farmer Community Building
Marketing & Sales
Onboarding new customers, handling finance & Coordinating Delivery
Farmer Community Both Men and Women In Tiruvallur District & Nilgiris

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